ESA priorities
On Equity and Inclusion
- Focus on Province 2 as it lags behind in educational achievement
- The new mandate to merge schools by the government has led to closure to small school. This is especially problematic in sparsely populated areas where it has led to students not being able to access schools
- 2% are officially recognized as disabled but the enrollment rate is 0.38%
- Enrollment in ECED for poor quintile is 18% compared to the rich households which is 70%
- Out of school in Madhesh Pradhesh is 14 and 12 percent respectively for female & male students with is the highest among all 7 provinces
- An overall legislative framework is yet to be enacted to guide on how 3 tiers of government coordinate and collaborate to accomplish various education functions
On Federal Transition
- Local education staff is not equipped to implement the curriculum and there is no proper support structure established for provincial or federal support for the staff
- PWDs have least access to and participation in education. Strong track record of developing policies but needs to transformed into a conceptual framework that aligns and defines various modalities that cater to children with special needs.
- The transition to a new form of governance calls for increased institutional capacity particularly at the local level to govern the delivery of education services related to basic and secondary education.
On Quality relevance and learning outcomes
- Quality of both pre-service and in-service teacher training.
- Management of teachers under the new federal system and creating an accountability system.