Meeting Details:

Date: 7th August 2024

Time: 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Location: Ministry of Social Development, Karnali Province, Surkhet


S.N. Name Organization Designation
1. Hon. Ghanashyam Bhandari Ministry of Social Development, Karnali Province Minister
2. Mr. Jawaharlal Hamal Ministry of Social Development, Karnali Province Chief of Youth and Sports Division
3. Mr. Balbir Sunar Ministry of Social Development, Karnali Province Head of Education Planning and Statistics Research Development
4. Ram Prasad Upadhya Ministry of Social Development, Karnali Province Section Officer
5. Lila Ram Sapkota Ministry of Social Development, Karnali Province Education Officer (6th)
6. Mohan Burja Magar Karkhana Samuha Program Manager, CSE Project
7. Lalit Jung Sahi Karkhana Samuha Province Officer, CSE Project


  1. Introduction of the Civil Society for Empowerment for Accountable Education (CSE) Project with the Local Government representatives,
  2. Understanding the needs and initiatives of Provincial Government
  3. Recommendation of CSOs from the Provincial Government,

Key Point Discussed:

Sharing from Karkhana Samuha:

Sharing from Hon. Ghanashyam Bhandari, Honourable Minister of Social Development of Karnali Province